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Hegau Hohentwiel  Höwenegg  

The Zeolite Homepage of Volker Betz

Zeolites - Zeolithe im Hegau, Baden-Württemberg
The Hegau is a about 20x40 km large area NW  of Bodensee with several volcanoes of miocene age (about 14 Ma). Two of this Hegau volcanoes are type locations of zeolites. For Natrolite (1803) the  Hohentwiel  and for Amicite (1979) the Höwenegg.  Both locations are now natural reserve area .
The Gelogy of the Hegau  at Pinatubo. (in German) Gelogical Literature Hegau at Geodoc

Cross section of Natrolite from Hohentwiel, Hegau showing radiatiing color zones. Field of view is 20 mm.